Psychro Killer

A rewrite of The Weight Of The Shadows, where Niko is proactive, all characters are more fleshed out and hopefully there's more of a ring of authenticity to the whole thing.


Psychro Killer: Prologue

Late on a sunny Sunday morning, a slant of golden light broke through the curtains of their Bermondsey apartment, illuminating the chaos of Niko’s...

Psychro Killer: Chapter 1 - The Fall

Niko marched through the hospital's automatic doors, already rehearsing what he would say to the receptionist. His mind, sharp and relentless, combed...

Psychro Killer: Chapter 2 - Grief

The apartment greeted him like a mausoleum. Cold, still, haunted. He stood at the doorway, half expecting Zoe to be there, lying on the unmade bed,...

Psychro Killer: Chapter 3 - Family Secrets

Niko hadn’t expected his mother to visit, not today, of all days. Her arrivals were usually heralded by a barrage of calls, asking about his schedule...

Psychro Killer: Chapter 4 - The Wake

The room was filled with muted murmurs, the clinking of glasses, and the heavy scent of lilies surrounding a studio photograph of Zoe from a year or...

Psychro Killer: Chapter 5 - Arrival in Crete

Heraklion Airport was a whirlwind of noise and movement. Crowds of travellers jostled for space, dragging suitcases, navigating the chaos of customs...