Chuck Palahniuk
Mon, 2003-07-14 17:37
Chuck Palahniuk
I've got my hands on a copy of the new Chuck Palahniuk book (Diary) - and . . . I read Fight Club and Survivor and really liked them, thought Palahniuk was a real force to be reckoned with and then . . . since then - Invisible Monsters, Choke and Lullaby. All of which annoyed me. Now, reading Diary, I'm thinking that maybe I just don't GET Palahniuk. Anybody read any of the three most recent books - and liked them?!
I read about 50 pages of Choke and choked.
Yeah, he is resting on his laurels a little bit.
Yeah, I read and enjoyed Fight Club. Survivor also good but I did feel a slipping away in standards and then I read a review of a new one which he claims to have written in three weeks or something. The review said that it read as though it had been written in three weeks. Shock.