T. Imaan Tretchicovmanicova

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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Forum topicABCTales in the Metro maddan316 years 11 months ago
Forum topicCanadian Authors & New Members write2right317 years 7 months ago
Forum topicPocket Oxford Dictionary/Thesaurus & Spellchcker For Sale Yan2518 years 1 week ago
Forum topicThe Tao of rachel dahan daron316118 years 6 months ago
Forum topicA new literary magazine - welcomes submissions Noticeboard318 years 7 months ago
Forum topicAn Announcement markbrown2618 years 9 months ago

My stories

"as time begets time"

violin tears drawn across your bow create &; fill a pool spirit within your eyes lament a song but do not weep for us weep for time its minutes its hour its ticking hand its inflexibilty, in its drive its motion. strike a key dark or light light or dark resonate her you, the key in which she strikes uniting time &; sound. she has learned your rhythm well please, allow her to play for you her composition of surrender to the tick, tick. the sweep of your minute hand carves time upon the keys of her piano, as she creates for you, her metronome, her time signature her conductor. `T. Imaan Tretchicovmanicova "as time begets time" 4apr'05

"creating language"

snow covered chalet two people dance on the page of piano fire ~ full round notes, she plays they pin themselves to the room fall inside, they do ~ the whole now half notes touch the outside from within symphonies untold ~ liquid sound music slowly drown the five senses rise to the baton ~ conduct the fire tongues unheard scream from her mouth creating language `T. Imaan Tretchicovmanicova 15mar'05


upon the green, i find a tilt save for the hellibore does wilt, the slender brown mixed inbetween the proud of place amidst the green. the flexing mind in its repose is beckoned softly in her prose; the unsaid words but heard on ear in time are spoken in voice clear. the pawns are slowly moved ahead as thoughts are wondered in one's bed. listen! hear the green brown face as oftentimes they leave no trace. once on the lips, the wind does carry those priceless threads it does marry; however, on slim occasion, one does hear without persuasion. `T. Imaan Tretchicovmanicova 11mar'05


"heart bleeds a crimson carpet"
