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I have 13 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 14156 times and 9 of my stories have been cherry picked.

boxing_day's picture
Ross Sutherland

My stories


From "Ten Nudes" (3)

Part of a longer sequence of poems that I'll post up in bits and bobs as they're finished.


A poem about Fancy dress.

Review of Gauntlet (Atari, 1985)

Elf, my heartiest congratulations on reaching level 130! What a glittering career. I bet you look back on the previous 129 indistinguishable levels and find it hard to believe how far you’ve come.
Gold cherry

My Curriculum Vitae: The Musical

Does what it says. I'm seriously thinking of staging this.

The End of our Marriage

This is me trying to apply good creative writing advice to marriage counseling. I gave this to a friend as a wedding gift
