Domino Woodstock

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I have 54 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 49402 times and 27 of my stories have been cherry picked.

Domino Woodstock's picture
Domino Woodstock

My stories


Always Read the Label Chapter 14 Are You Lonesome Tonight?

On the stairs I pass loads of people I know but can't remember where from or what their names are. They must remember me 'cos they all let on.

Always Read the Label Chapter 13 Threesome

Last night has now split into three neat groups. Simon has some explaining to do, Polly has offered Beeb a lift, mainly because she couldn't resist seeing how many people notice...

Always Read the Label Chapter 12 After Show Party

It's liberating getting in a car after relying on coaches, trains, tubes and buses for so long.

The HR Manager

Until The Big Boss arrives and ignores her. Which she hurries to remedy by offering tea, breakfast, enquiries about his journey, help invading Poland...

Always read the Label Chapter 11 Would you like flies with that?

He did have some. As Paul slips Lynn the creased wrap under the table and she heads off to powder her nose, I start to make my way to the door.
