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I have 9 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 4223 times

InnerChild's picture

My stories

Life in my shoes - pt4

In 1987,when I was 8 years old, my Mother gave birth to His daughter, my sister & several months later went on to marry Him.

Life in my shoes - pt 3

With the ongoing mental torture of seeing my Mother being beaten so badly and having to cope alone, I was quiet and withdrawn at school and had no real friends to confide in.

Life in my shoes - pt 2

I guess the neighbors must have heard the racket because before I could do anything my uncle, my Mother's brother,came and dragged the man who had been beating her from off her and swiftly thumped him

Life in my shoes

Over and over I listened to her screams for help but was unable to offer any assistance, instead I sat and cried, hands over my ears, waiting for someone, anyone, to come and rescue her.
