Itane Vero

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I have 198 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 94126 times and 84 of my stories have been cherry picked.

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Itane Vero


My stories


Wasn't that a party

It is inevitable. She knows for sure that there will be a day when she cannot say no. But how does that work? She is burying her head in the sand...

Ever changing moods

Nothing about him is right. His ears are too crooked, his eyes too blind, his hair too wild, his head too big, his body too narrow, his words too...

When our lives begin to end

“Even if the world were to end right now, we have to stick to the rules of the game. What is human existence without structure, without agreements...

Smashing pumpkins

“The problem is that people don't want to listen to each other.” Next to me in the queue is a tall man with a turtleneck and glasses that look like...

The stranger

“For goodness’ sake, how did I ever, ever get to this point?” She bows her head, her hair falls loosely over the soft, slightly oval face. Her...
