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I have 296 stories published in 2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 38100 times and one story has been cherrypicked.

Lore's picture

B̶̢͓͙̖̤̤̒͑́͌̆ŕ̷͕̫̆̽͝e̶̩̮̪̯̿̽͛̃̆̾̆̚͜͜ͅá̴̲̭̩̺̝͐̎̃͝k̵̨̧̺̯̟͌ḭ̴͍̟͖̦̓́̔̿̀n̷̼̼̺̖͚̪̺͌̅̽̎̇́͊g̸̛̭͔̯̥̮̬͊̍̆ ̴͔̻̟̺̳̹̏̈́͑͌͘t̴̬͙̗̖̒̎̅h̷͓̯̓̑ĕ̵͉̗̍̃ ̶̻̔͆̄c̷̢͎̥̖̲̭̻͋́y̸̡͚̝͎͐̏͒̔͆̈́̐̕͜c̶͔̩̗̝̓͑̊l̴̫̪̋̎͆e̵̟̹̮̽͑̂̋
The beginning is a great place to start. Shame.

Lore is thrown into an explored universe with no clue as to their place within it.
All they know is that people know them and they know none of them. Instinct and 
Breadcrumbs to lead them as they attempt to piece together their life and work out how
can change the future to stop the past from coming back around again.

Cornerstones of Reality.
The fire's burnt out but the frying pan is heating up. Oh dear.

With everything as it should be, new problems are quick to present themselves.
The aftermath of their previous adventures makes itself known before newer
problems pile on. Life is slowly being drained from the universe and only a
chosen few are being spared.

Collapse of Everything. 

All good things come to an end, even the universe. Ah.

Ten years of peace tainted with the worry of missing colleages and lost friends.
Things were starting to seem normal but Reality had more in store than a simple
family life on Earth. It's Murphy's law and the problems are only going to get bigger. 
Enter the endgame.

Something newish is here

My stories

Plans Made

Noise. Things were moving so quickly. Lore had barely left the floor and the courtyard was already swarmed with clones. Within moments, apart from...


Breathe. That’s all The Reaper could focus on. The temporal displacement had disoriented them but they quickly realised when and where they were...


Roaring. The engines above howled as they broke into the moons atmosphere. Three ships of comparable size to The Destiny had begun their descent...


Running. There was a loud explosion followed by the grunts of two guards being tossed violently into the air. Arc led the charge illuminating their...


Meanwhile. No sooner had they left had the nebula reappeared. Ace made their way to the cargo hold. It looked smaller than usual but usually there...
