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I have 272 stories published in 16 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 214377 times and 19 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1 of my 5 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote

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Malcolm Lisle


My stories

The UFO Children 2 - The Careers Teacher

Carla sat alone with one of the teachers in his office. "Hello Carla, I'm Mr. Valentine and I'm your Careers Teacher. What do you want to do when you...

The Lamentations of Brian

You ask me if I'm happy, Do you really expect me to feel that way? Don't you ever start to doubt, Is happiness what life's about? If I wanted to be...

In the Garden of Eden

Don’t think I’m such an evil snake, I just want you all to have fun, I don’t see how something beautiful and sweet could be so wrong. Take a little...

5 Billion Years BC

"I'm Zakron Nkurg and this is Election Night Special. Tonight we decide who will be the next president of Mars. Will it be Eurok Mustadin of the...

The UFO Children 1 - Where is Nibiru?

Mr. Weathercock was a school headteacher. He was driving his 40 year old Jaguar car down a quiet country road late one night. He saw a light in the...
