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I have 33 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 11531 times and one story has been cherrypicked.

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My stories

The Have and Have Nots

The Have’s and Have Not’s


Newborn Brilliant times in the home, just a playful baby and me. Brilliant times all alone, just a tearful baby – you’ll see. Brilliant times in the home, just a stinky baby and me.

Thy're Migwatch

Thy're Migwatch Ubey folds thy Migwatch glows, destruth uley, uley bowls. Askanth thereby estey my, they'se doth destrey, destrey by. Askanth thereby estey my,

The Farmer

The Farmer The farmer stands in the bare-earth field, a solitary figure under the balmy, warm sunshine of spring. The whipping winter winds have passed, April’s warming has changed things.

Christmas night

Christmas night Come, come, come and see, what Santa Claus has brought for me. A sack of wonder and of awe, Christmas gifts, and so much more. In candle-light, and on my knees,
