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I have 21 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 9333 times and 2 of my stories have been cherry picked.

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My stories

Monsters 09: The Game

This is not how I want the conversation to go. I want to be able to look at her, to see every emotion etched into her face, to read all of what she’s feeling in her grey eyes.

Monsters 08: Emergency

I’m pretty sure you dropped your pen, because I heard something tiny clank to the floor, and you quietly covered up a gasp with a cough. Yeah, I was shocked too.

Monsters 07: Broken Bridges

I blinked. The bastard was acting like nothing happened, like I’d been on vacation or something, not that he hadn’t abandoned his only child when he had no one.

Monsters 06: Mend

When I’d made my decision, I pulled out my phone and scrolled through the contacts. I found the one I was looking for and pressed the SEND button.

Chapter One: The Beginning

Eli was always able to control himself, was always able to help his patients when they needed it. But that all fell apart when he met Annabelle.
