Pick of the day

Sean Happens 3

Dad was sitting dozing outside the kitchen on a hard wooden seat. His balding head and ear were scarlet, and the sun had taken a blowtorch to his nose. His yellowing vest kept his belly from spilling over his shorts. An ashtray and can of can of lager were sitting underneath his chair. His eyes fluttered open when Mr Martin guided Sean towards the backdoor.

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Story of the week

Parcel for you...Part 23

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Poem of the week

a dumbness of mallets

a dumbness of mallets


the first warm sunday

of the year, the sun

barely up and yawning

before men grunt in garages,

clatter in sheds,

unsheathing power tools

with more care and attention

than their children have ever known,

expectant window faces,  

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Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

I've been stuck at home this week with Covid and it's been a very welcome distraction to read all your wonderful writing so thank you!

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ABCTales Online Reading Event - UPDATE!

I'm very pleased to announce that we're having another of our brillant online reading events on Saturday May 18th at 7pm! 

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Want to join ABCTales?

We've had to suspend the automatic joining facility for a while so if you would like to join us please email 

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Story and Poem of the Month

Our Story and Poem of the Month for March very kindly chosen by Jane Hyphen:


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Posting From Your Android Phone - Fixed!

Some of you have been having issues with posting your work using an android phone. Ewan and John our techie have been working really hard to fix this.

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Bee's Journey

Picks of the Month

stars over kennet

stars over kennet


star lit stones

wrap around me

and i am held rapt

for a pitch-black procession

the memory of daylight


beneath frosted ice


drawn down low

the cosy pelt of night

feels close enough to reach

and i want to pocket stars -

not to light my way

but because they are companions;

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We had a great interest in ghosts, prompted by a fear of being called a shitebag for turning down a dare when we were younger. In a less than spooky way, it might even have been stronger than our allegiance to playing football, or our general interest in girls and their shortcomings.

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