The royster

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I have 34 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 64587 times and 5 of my stories have been cherry picked.
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The royster's picture
Roy South


My stories

On the Coaches . Part 1

By order of the lovely LWC

On the Buses (My version) Ch 7

Oh boy, what a change from London Transport. It’s like going back in time. On the one side, the pace of life is considerably slower than the smoke which is a good thing (I think).

The Seagulls End

Sitting high upon the cliff, Gazing out to sea A seagull circling high above Was looking down on me I had a sandwich in my hand About to take a bite The bugger swooped and pinched the lot

On the Buses (My version) Ch 6

Hold Tight, here we go again. Just briefly going back the 185’s I forgot to mention one late shift which I think was somewhere around 1974.

Oh those 60's

The sixties were a time of fun Mods on scooters, days in the sun Beatles, Stones and Dave Clarke five Songs that made us feel alive. Weekends spent down on the sands
