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I have 254 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 141072 times and 145 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1 of my 110 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote

smokejack's picture

Conceived in an alley born in a cave raised on seaweed. Spent my early years on a roofrack. Left School at 10 caught by truant officer back at school by 11. I'm a twin of two others and I can play several instruments in my head and none with my hands. My first job was part time I painted the odd numbers on dice. I made a career out of avoiding a career.  My body is a temple often prodded by archeologists.


My stories

In the mix

She was on the spectrum Hated waiting never laughed She scratched her arms With a ball point pen And laughed at the scars She could articulate The...


She swam in a lake of cliches Repeating tired phrases Whilst looking up to the moon She laid on a bed of daises Looking up at the sky She always...

If Only

The bombs that never went boom The aeroplanes that couldn't fly The bullets that refuse to fire Because no one wanted to die The war ghouls of landed...

Empty Bed

The pillows and the sheets Ironed stiff and tucked in tight I can smell her perfume in the air And see her brushing her hair It's been awhile since...

Paint me a Rainbow

Guns and knives Slaughtered lives Blood spilled Hope is killed How did we stoop so low Where did humanity go Needles and drugs Heart string tugs For...


1 of my comments has received 1 Great Feedback vote

1 Vote

HaHa I once cycled drunk

Posted on Fri, 07 May 2021

into the Halifax buiding society window in Oxford luckily the window didn't smash

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Posted in Riddle of Ruin