Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

There's been a great variety of things posted on ABC Tales this week, and my two Picks couldn't be more different from each other.

Story of the Week goes to Simon Barget's 'A Day In The Life'.  It's very difficult to get it right with a story 'told' by an animal, but this one captures Essence of Cat and is also very, very funny.  You don't need to be a cat lover to appreciate it.  In fact, if you don't like cats, this will confirm all your prejudices.  

A Day in the Life | ABCtales

Poem of the Week marks a welcome return by long-time member poetjude.  Her 'Counting the Cues' is stark, disturbing, and beautifully written.

Counting the Cues | ABCtales

This week's Inspiration Point is here:  Inspiration Point: Writing Cues To Battle Writer's Block | ABCtales

Have as good a week as possible under the circumstances!