Notes, Ali Smith (2019) Spring.
Posted by celticman on Thu, 22 Oct 2020
Ali Smith (2019) Spring.
Ali Smith is the same age as me and was born in Inverness, Scotland (for those of you that don’t know Inverness is in Scotland—yeh, that happens). She’s an international star whose writing is lauded. The Guardian, for example, called Autumn, ‘The novel of the year’. I stuck with Spring and read it from start to finish. I found bits of it a chore and probably wouldn’t have read beyond the first ten pages, but for her world renown.
I’ve made some notes, you might, or might not, want to have a quick read through. These would, usually, be the basis of a larger review. The major characters in these odysseys are seeking integrity, and mostly they manage it. I agree with the didactic elements listed below.
A simple journey from London to Inverness.
An obituary appears in the Guardian, …Patricia Heal nee Hardiman 20th September 1932-11 August 2018
The stories Mansfield wrote in Switzerland were her best (sanatorium).
Script about Mansfield and Rilke, literary giants. It’s mindblowing. 37
Virtue signalling problems, Richard tells his imaginary daughter. 27
Don’t talk about climate change or the rise of the right, or the migrant crisis or Brexit or Windrush or Grenfell or the Irish border…
Don’t be calling it migrant crisis…I’ve told you a million times. It’s people. It’s an individual crossing the world against the odds. Multiplied by 60 million, all individuals, all crossing the world, against odds that worsen by the day. 68
Dying is a salutary thing, Dick, Paddy says. It’s a gift, I look at Trump now, I see them all, the new world tyrants, all the leaders of the packs, the racists, the white supremacists, the new crusaders rabble-rousers holding forth, the thugs all across the world, and what I think is, all that too solid flesh. It’ll melt away like snow in May.
[cf Catherine of Sienna]
[cfDuncan Cambell (bent cop)
Sentenced by Mr Justice Melford Stevenson:
‘you’ve poisoned the well of justice for the crooks, cranks and do-gooders’ [who want to attack the police’]
…the fact that those two writers just living in the same place at the same time in their lives, whether they met or not.
This is the kind of coincidence that sends electricity through our lives. 99
People like feeling.
Some things that Britanny Hall learned in her first two months as a DCO at a UK IRC.
There are 30 000 detained in this country at any one time. 165
Detention is the key to maintaining an effective immigration system. 167
[ciphers not characters]
If the force of just five more nuclear bombs going off anywhere in the world happens…eternal nuclear autumn will set in and there’ll be no more seasons. 186 Florence Smith and the machine.
You can only legally detain someone in this country for seventy-two hours before you have to charge them with a crime. 204-5
Aldo Lyons (Auld Alliance) 271
235 recent escapes…detention estates.
I had no rights. I still have no rights. I carried fear on my shoulders all the way across the world to this country you call yours. I still carry fear on my shoulders. Fear is one of my belongings…
And the first thing you did when I arrived was hand me a letter saying, Welcome to a county in which you are not welcome. You are now a designated unwelcome person with whom we will do as we please 272
320 face-recognition technology.
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