The 2020 Cerasus Poetry Olympics took place as scheduled in July and the final results were:

Gold Medal - Mark Kilburn
Silver Medal - Sophie Norton
Bronze Medal - John Gallas
Laurel Wreath - India Halstead

Poetry collections by each of the winners will be published in due course, plus a special souvenir compilation featuring the best poems by all entrants.

Regular ABCtales will recognise that the Gold Medal Winner is aka Kilb50.



CERASUS Magazine Issue 0 is now available to buy on Amazon:


Contributors of poetry and short fiction include Seth Crook, Jim Ferguson, George Gunn, SJ Howarth, Maxine Rose Munro, Zach Murphy, Penny Sharman & Morelle Smith.

Again, astute ABCtalers will recognise JupiterMoon in this list.

Hopefully, there will be sufficient interest (and sales) for there to be an official Issue 1.




I look forward to reading it. 


Copy of Issue 0 ordered, here's to Issue 1!