'Swim With Me In Deep Water' by Penny Sharman

The latest release from Cerasus Poetry is ‘Swim With Me In Deep Water’ by Penny Sharman.

It is already available to buy on Amazon:


and will shortly be in stock to buy directly from Cerasus:


You can discover more about Penny and read some of her poetry on her website:


She has already had a pamphlet published, entitled ‘Fair Ground’ and you can gain a flavour of her writing by reading the following review:


For those of you who live in the area, you can attend her book launch on 24th July in Manchester Central Library.

Penny is the first poet to be published by Cerasus who is not a member of ABCtales, which is a welcome sign that we are gaining a wider audience.

However, you may consider it a bit of a cheek that we’re publicising her book here. What has she to do with us? I hear you asking.

Well, she heard about Cerasus from Simon (Jupiter Moon) Howarth, author of ‘painting for lemonade’, who commended us to her.

Cerasus is the brainchild of John Wilks, who has been a member of ABCtales since 2006 and previously edited the ABCtales Magazine. You may have known him as WilkyBarKid, Rosa Tabula, Avril Poisson or Old Jack Is Back and he occasionally still posts as Lille Dante.

It is his ambition in the longer term to donate to ABCtales, once Cerasus is in profit. At the moment, we have yet to recoup our original set-up costs. So, the more books people buy, the closer we get to achieving this ambition.

If you don’t want to buy our books, fair enough. But we are grateful to those who follow us on Facebook and Twitter and spread our name. Plus, we are always on the lookout for new submissions.



Best of luck with this one!


I'll buy a copy (after I check I've enough cash in my account). 


the amazon link is wrong in that it is for the American market and price in dollars. I'd change that