Story & Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point 19 Jan 2024

Choosing - as always - has proven very hard indeed. So, without further ado, or with “adon’t”, if you prefer, here goes.


Story of the Week


Special mention for Jane Hyphen’s long form piece ‘Parcel for you’ the latest instalment is here, but

start here if you haven’t read any of it.

Also of note were marandina’s Enoshima Pt1 & 2
However this week’s Story of the Week goes to ‘Only Here for the Poets’ part of Turlough’s account of his visit to Iran, which begins here, if you need to catch-up. Turlough has kindly provided a link to the next part at the end of each one.


Poem of the Week


This weeks Poem of the Week is JupiterMoon’s ‘out of the loop’. A simple and profound concept very well expressed.

Inspiration Point.
