Posted by Insertponceyfrenchnamehere on Mon, 01 May 2017
Nine days to go until our brilliant Reading Night! We have a fabulous line-up of readers and I hope to see lots of you there. All necessary information below, and if you have any further queries do get in touch with
Blighters rock will be holding an auction on the night to raise funds for a very good cause (us!) and he's sent me the following to whet your appetite. Do please let us know if you'll be bringing something along:
'Last summer, a friend who runs a school in Zambia asked me if I’d do her a favour. Her mum had been taken to a nursing home and her house was being sold imminently. The only things left in the house were books, and my friend wanted me to send them to her so she could start up a library at her school for the locals and children. I agreed and went to the house. Sure enough, the house was empty apart from half a wall of books in the study. As I was packing them up I saw some rather inviting ones and when I got home I asked my friend if I could have them. She said yes.
I’ve read them now. I did a search for their value and some are quite sought after so I thought they’d be fair game for the auction on May 10th.'
These are the books on offer;
The Gonne-Yeats letters 1893-1938, Always Your Friend (Hutchinson)
Maud Gonne, by Nancy Cardozo (New Amsterdam)
Yeats and Women, edited by Deirdre Toomey, signed (Macmillan)
Seamus Heaney, by Thomas C. Foster (The O’Brien Press)
Beowulf, by Seamus Heaney (Faber)
W.B.Yeats, poems selected by Seamus Heaney (Faber)
Yeats: Last Poems (Macmillan)
W.B.Yeats, Mythologies (Papermac)
Ted Hughes, Tales from Ovid (Faber)
Ted Hughes, The Life of a Poet, by Elaine Feinstein (Norton)
These will be sold in lots, as above.
If anyone would like to bring something along for the auction, please do. Maybe something that’s lost its sparkle for you but once meant a great deal, something that’s just not needed any more or something to pass on and help a person in some way. It doesn’t have to be books, just something that may appeal in a popular way.
All proceeds go to Abctales, which as you probably know survives on a shoestring and a bundle of love.
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