Phil Ya Boots

       MCW003  The Contemporary Writer:

You will be provided with articles and poetry as photocopies or downloadable from the Moodle site. These will be essential reading. Additionally the list of books below are essential reading, and it is recommended that you purchase a copy. Most are available second hand through Amazon, or as kindle formats, or can be purchased from bookshops. The library also stock copies but not enough for each class member.

Essential Reading (you are encouraged to own a copy)

Royle, N. (2010) Quilt , Myriad

Mantel, H. (2014) The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher, Fourth Estate

Mantel, H. (2010) Giving up the Ghost, Fourth Estate

Smith, A. (2014) How to Be Both, Hamish Hamilton

Maitland, S. (2013) Moss Witch and Other Stories, Comma Press

Pollard, C. (2013) Ovid's Heroines, Bloodaxe

Wyld, E. (2014) All the Birds Singing, Vintage


'The list of books below are essential reading' or 'the list of books below is essential reading'.  Is it worth mentioning d'y think?


The Royle novel is clever but apart from the stingrays nothing happens.

Mantel's pair are beautiful.

How to Be Both by Ali Smith is also excellently written however the experimental (but not original) premise interferes.

Maitland's collection of short stories (Moss Witch) is both excellent and awful depending on where you open it. 


Ooh I will purchase a couple of those. Agree about Ali's latest. I lost the threads somehow.


Don't, I'll send mine to you.


If they're essential I better buy them. My problem is all reading is essential. And I've got a backlog of 20 books that I've kinda started and about 80 that needs read immediately. So how to fit life into a wardrobe and also write? 


I'll get me coat...