Question 16 - How should we interact with the younger versions of ourselves?
Posted by Shannan on Fri, 21 Mar 2025
Question Sixteen – With the shifts in culture, entertainment, education and moves towards male and female "equality"; how do you think women should approach their dialogues with young girls?
Truthfully explain what is out there in the world, including discussion related to their gender and what it means to be female.
I think that the best way to have a conversation is with authentic truth. So I can only tell my story as it is, and as I know it, without belittling anyone or anything else that I have no experience of. Today, there are more young girls with divorced parents, which is its own personal struggle. Entertainment is fiction, yet the mind can’t tell the difference between fiction and non-fiction, so that conversation should happen. Education is dependent on the school and some schools teach heart-breaking things about having to choose things that the brain is not developed to choose rationally before the age of 25. Approaching whatever dialogue comes my way with honesty, authenticity and Holy Spirit in my being, would be the set up for my hope that young girls will still feel free to chat with me when they are ladies, and that my part in the conversation would be helpful to them and their life journey.
Women should be open about their struggles and supportive in sharing their experiences with young girls; encouraging them to speak up for themselves. Women should help to set one another up for success.
Girls should be encouraged to follow whatever path they want to in life. They should be taught that they can do anything boys can do if they want to.
Women need to be proud of being women! There is a dominant trend of non-binary tendencies these days, but that doesn’t mean you should be afraid or embarrassed of being a fully-fledged woman and loving it!
Also, there are many cultures in which women are regarded and treated as being inferior to men. It is this belief that very often leads to Gender Based Violence etc. Girls need to be constantly reminded that Male and Female are equal in the eyes of God. No one should be discriminated against based on their gender.
And lastly, there is a disturbing trend of over-sexualizing women, be it on social media, entertainment, etc. Girls need to understand they are more than their looks and sexuality. They are unique, special individuals first and foremost with talents and abilities that have nothing to do with looks and sexuality. Nurture these.
I would like young girls to have conversations with older women who remain single, to learn it is more common than most believe and that life can still be fulfilling under those circumstances. I feel strongly that all young girls should be encouraged to work hard at getting a good education behind them and should be taught financial skills to give them complete independence. This will mean they are never reliant on being in a relationship as a means of survival.
Teach them humility, unconditional love and inner strength. We need to emphasize Jesus more in our society and upbringing of future generations.
Always be open and transparent.
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