Question Twenty - What's the vibe on 'Empowered'?

Question Twenty – In what ways does being single empower you?


The freedom I have, and not being micromanaged by other people, has taught me to be empowered.


I can’t say that this unforeseen story of mine has felt ‘empowering’ whilst living it out. It has felt more like a day-to-day survival game at times. Still, now that I have survived so much, it means power must have been involved. If I look back on the last 2 decades, the person I was in my 20s, versus the person I am in my 40s, I am a stronger person now. Not necessarily physically, but mentally and emotionally. I have been empowered. I have learnt to step up and rely on myself to get things done. I have learnt to be accountable and not be a victim to the circumstances I have found myself in. I have had to learn that each and every day I have to choose to get up out of my bed and go and find a reason to keep going. Choice. I think that being on my own has forced me (empowered me) to realise that every day involves me making a choice to live well, and I don’t have anyone in my home to make decisions for me, so I need to choose on my own. Living solo has also forced me to reach out of my comfort zone and empowered me to be able to ask for help. It’s empowered me to be ok with being vulnerable as I have no-one at home to impress. It’s also empowered me to be far more empathetic to others and to realise the truth I once heard from Reverend Trevor Hudson: that everyone is sitting next to their own pool of tears, just like I am.


I have gotten to know myself much better. What makes me happy, what makes me tick and the space to go after what I want in life.


I am independent, I can make my own choices, I can do what I please with my free time, I can go where I please, I can meet and socialize with other people (without the worry of making someone ‘jealous’). I can explore my own interests and dedicate my time to family, friends, church, Lifeline work and personal growth.



I have learned that I will always face life challenges with determination and find a way to overcome obstacles.   


At the moment, I am seeing my singleness as a gift wherein I can spend time with my children and enable their own healing from an abusive father and ensure that they are ready to leave the nest when that time comes. I am enjoying being their mom – it’s truly a huge privilege.


I am empowered by being able to visit family and friends economically.No fuss and restrictions on time, unless I decide to make the restrictions.