Penny4athought's blog

Happiness is a warm keyboard=I live to and love to write

A writer knows when a character has taken full form. They become real to them. The dialogue flows like true conversations and the next line writes itself, because the character's personality dictates it. That’s when a writer will tell you, they are in the zone. The story is practically writing itself. The words are images of movement and you know immediately when a line is not right, it doesn’t fit the character, it wouldn’t be what they’d say...

Happiness is a warm keyboard=I live to and love to write

The golden sunshine gleams off the cars ahead of me as brave birds dart across my line of vision flying from stoplight pole to tree limb. It’s a perfect day outside. I lower my visor to block the glare as I keep the required car lengths/per mph distance behind the car in front of mine. This has become the new way I take a walk, using my car and, with the amount of traffic increasing everyday, I must not be alone in this change of walking mode. I...

Happiness is a warm keyboard = I live to and love to write

A new story has grabbed my writer’s attention and I’m slowly falling into that place writers go, that trance like state when you’re thinking up a new plot. I love the newness...the twisting, turning possibilities...the fun of something new. It's the essence of creativity having that blank canvas before me…I can slowly see the story forming and for me it's always at night that I find my creative spirit thriving. I'm not sure why but I guess I'm a...

Happiness is a warm keyboard=I live to and love to write

I have not been posting much lately as I've been on a journey of learning the world of self publishing, learning how to format an eBook and a paperback- both apparently have different guidelines, and I’ve had to learn book cover guidelines as well. Doing all of this manually and on your own is daunting for a not always so computer literate being as It’s been a slow process of getting it right but I am slowly...very slowly...figuring...

Happiness is a warm keyboard = I live to and love to write

What I’m feeling seeing my book in print is hard to describe...I’m both amazed and scared that it’s out there, elated that I had the courage to self-publish it, but worried I’ve made a mistake. On the mundane fears, I hope I’ve corrected all typos, and on a little higher concern, I hope someone reads it…even one review would be nice to see…but either way, I do like that I can order an author’s copy - wow author …that’s me? Yes, I suppose it is...

Self Publishing Questions and more Questions....oh my!

The question today is: Should I self publish my work? But to self publish is not as easy as the power points would have you presume. Recently, I’ve been contemplating uploading some of my work to the (KDP) Amazon’s kindle site, but as I researched this, I found a lot of different information about what you might want to, or need to, do first. Apparently, there are many areas I hadn’t thought about, for example: Is it wise to be a sole proprietor...

Happiness is a warm keyboard=I live to and love to write

The weather channel has been a big part of my day for over a week now, Dorian is just now approaching my area and thankfully it is farther off shore than they had first said. I am inland so we should be fine but this time of worrying… for so many days…stocking up in fear of having no power… and the worry if there would be any open stores after it ends. This was considerably more upsetting than in hurricane threats of years past . If something...

Happiness is a warm keyboard=I live to and love to write

Dusk is setting in and the low light of sunset is blanketing the grass with shadows and patches of last light…Day is ending and night is falling and in this moment between light and dark…I sit in quiet contemplation… reflecting on all the issues of my day….but I don’t battle the problems…I let them simmer…pausing to see what answers may come. I have always been a night bird…the pace of morning exhausts me with rush hour and work day demands and...

Happiness is a warm keyboard= I live to and love to write

I have not been blessed this week with the art of literary creation. I have been staring at blank pages for far too long…and too many hours…to feel content with my day. Why? What causes this lack of concentration…This ebb from imagination to flat line? I’ve only an empty room and humming keyboard responding…no answer forth coming. It is frustrating. I know the story is there and the next chapter on the verge of birth…just on the...

Happiness is a warm keyboard=I live to and love to write

It was the daisy that held my attention and I’m not sure why…it was buttercup yellow and the sight of it…one lone daisy waving to me in a field of grass…made me sad, it was all alone… and I wanted to plant it a family. Strange musings over my first cup of coffee I thought…but that was the view out my back door and it had captured my imagination regarding flowers and feelings. So I wrote on my grocery list: “buy some plant seeds.” I was going to...
