Penny4athought's blog

Happiness is a warm keyboard=I live to and love to write

I have taken the very difficult step of sending my work out to publishers – a big change for me…and now I am playing the waiting game…and I realized...although I am usually very optimistic in much of my life I'm not very optimistic in this part of me. I do love to write…and I will always love to write but to think it could be published??? Not sure about that…and now I wonder…should I have sent my story in at all? Was it ready? Maybe I should...

Happiness is a warm keyboard=I live to and love to write

The night air is chilled but the climb up the ladder is thrilling…as I lift the skylight’s heavy cover and push it carefully off the opening… I feel the freedom in the first breath of night air as I lift myself up onto the edge...and out onto the roof top...I am immediately thrust into a magical place as I stare into the deep, quiet darkness filled with starlight above and street lights below. It is a world beyond the normal, a world where...

Happiness is a warm keyboard=I live to and love to write

Its been too long since I’ve taken to my keyboard to let loose my thoughts...but thoughts are like that sometimes...they just refuse to be captured…written…studied...or even understood in quick simple musings. Probably due to the fact, I've been living my days in record speed...long hours at work…and longer hours at mundane household tasks… but my imagination has not rested during these quick silver days…it has just been quietly gathering...

Happiness is a warm keyboard=I live to and love to write

If a writer’s heart beats within me…I’m certainly feeling its rhythm today. Words are warring in my head as I puzzle over a new chapter…but it isn’t annoying…for’s an adventure. Creating the events unfolding in my mind…giving voices to thoughts…moving characters along in strategic chess moves…all leading up to a powerful ending….hopefully a powerful ending…but that chapter is yet to be written... When I can be one with my thoughts…no...

Happiness is a warm keyboard=I live to and love to write

The lights are up and the tree is decorated. The cozy feel of Christmas is settling around me…but it is not the shopping or the presents brightly wrapped that I’m thinking of… it’s family and friends and the kindness we can give to one another….the gathering at the table…the laughter as we reminisce… the smiles, the tears…and the comfort of their presence that moves me….and fills me with warmth. Christmas has become too commercial but just...

Happiness is a warm keyboard=I live to and love to write

What is it about Owls? They fascinate with their mystery…They dart between trees nearly invisible in the darkening night…and if you chance to see one… you hold your breath not wanting the moment to end...for they are amazing to watch. There is an owl that lives behind my house in a small wooded area…and late at night or actually just into sunset…he or she hoots its lone call into the night…and stops me in whatever I am doing…frozen with ear...

Happiness is a warm keyboard=I live to and love to write

What is it about a crisp fall day that sets the creative thoughts to warp speed? Every year, for as far back as I can remember, the first crisp days of autumn have always affected me this way. I want to change or re-discover the world at large in my neighborhood... and beyond. The feeling is irrepressible…and I need to walk…not drive…to be surrounded by this cool fresh air… I want to sit outside with my morning cup...

Happiness is a warm keyboard=I live to and love to write

I’ve tried to stay with one story until the ending is done but mid-way through…I’ll get another spark of a story idea and have to write it out before I lose it…. Then half way between writing stories one and two…I will be inspired again and start a third … I know this is probably not the best way to write but it seems to be how my muse works for me. Of course, every time I jump back and forth between plot lines I have to go back and read the...

Happiness is a warm keyboard=I live to and love to write

I’ve been lost in books this week as writers often are, the love of stories both fictional and nonfictional have been in my heart since childhood…so of course my idea of a luxurious week off is to gather books in a pile and binge read...taking me away and making me feel good….especially when travel is unavailable due to a very common disease called …fundsarelow… My first day of vacation started with a trip to this amazing, maze like warehouse of...

Happiness is a warm keyboard = I live to and love to write

It’s funny the little things that can make your day special. Small and seemingly inconsequential to others but can be a major uplift to the recipient…The little finds that make you smile…the unexpected helping hand extended just when you need it…the simple thank you…the welcome from a neighbor…found money when you forgot you put it there… The world can seem harsh and functional and day to day grinding when you are in the middle of your working...
