A Collection Through Time

"Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing."
Abraham Lincoln
This is a quote that i like a lot so i thought this might exlain a little about the stories you find here if not then don't think about it if so then you got the meaning.


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Memoir Of Tears

I have a secret and it’s not the type of secret that I would consider good it is more of a less well mannered secret one that no one should have to bear or keep.

A Vampires Deathly Bite

They say you keep what you kill and in a vampires case I assume this is very true, because what you kill is still alive but dead.

Dear Diary

Dear Diary Today felt like i went through hell sometimes life is a pain in the ass but we all learn how to deal in different ways mine is venting.

Vampires Exist

Well for a kid like me to get to go to a prestigious academy like the one I am now at I am truly lucky but with every bit of luck comes bad and good.

The Disturbed

I became lost in my words they lifted me, they guided me, they whispered everything and I know about who I was and who I would become.