
Story set in 1859 but based on the authentic diary of Charles Walker from 1851, telling of the traumas associated with his wedding and first year of married life.
Gold cherry


CHAPTER 1 - Mary’s Journal January 1, 1859 Charles bought me this Journal as my Christmas present (as well as my engagement ring.) He said that Queen...

Consequences - Chapter 10

CHAPTER 10 – Mary’s Journal March 6th I wrote straight back to Charles, telling him how I had laughed at his chart of possibilities and then I told...

Consequences - Chapter 11

CHAPTER 11 – Charles’ Diary for April 1 April FRIDAY Signed forms today so Rainbow Cottage will be ours to rent from 1 May. Great relief at having...

Consequences - Chapter 12

CHAPTER 12 – Mary’s Journal April 5th We have had our first thunderstorm of the season. Then it came on dull and cold in the evening. We had heavy...

Consequences - Chapter 15

CHAPTER 14 - Mary’s Journal May 24th Well, it is over; I am now Mrs. Charles Simpson Walker. The wedding and breakfast went by perfectly. I really...

Consequences - Chapter 16-17

Charles’ Diary – May continued 21 SATURDAY Such wonderful people the Gaskells; we much enjoyed their wise advice & good humour; Mrs. Gaskell told...

Consequences - Chapter 18

Mary's Journal for June June 1st Most of Charles’ aunts and cousins have made themselves known to me. Some I had met at the wedding, but I hadn’t...

Consequences - Chapter 19

CHAPTER 19 – Charles’ Diary for June June 1 WEDNESDAY Mary busy finding her way around the town. Pleased to get calling cards. Have told her to have...

Consequences - Chapter 2

CHAPTER 2 - Mary’s Journal February 1st, 1859 “Are you all right, Mary?” Mother asked. “You seem rather quiet and withdrawn lately.” I blanched but...

Consequences - Chapter 20

CHAPTER 20 - Mary’s Journal June 16th Oh joy! I have had my first guest in my new home. It was our closest neighbour Mrs. Gillam from the Red House...

Consequences - Chapter 21

CHAPTER 21 - Mary’s Journal July 1st In just over a week, we will be going to the Mayor’s party. I am so nervous. Charles says that it is proper to...

Consequences - Chapter 22-23

CHAPTER 22 – Charles’ Diary for July 1 July FRIDAY Mary busy making plans for Mayor’s party – altering her dress etc. She still looks very trim...

Consequences - Chapter 24-25 The Baby?

CHAPTER 24 - Charles’ Diary for August August 1 MONDAY Mary enjoying her visits with Mary Ann Boyce. She needs to feel at home, and nothing does that...

Consequences - Chapter 26

CHAPTER 26 – Charles’ Diary for September September 1 THURSDAY Only a few more days before Mary goes back to York. We have put about the story that...

Consequences - Chapter 27

CHAPTER 27 – Mary’s Journal September 8th I am having my ten days of ‘lying in’ here at Mary Ann’s house. I spend some time passing notes to her, and...

Consequences - Chapter 28

Charles' Diary September, continued 21 WEDNESDAY Today pleasant weather; breakfasted at 7. Appointment with Fredrick Boyce at 7 p.m. after work. I...

Consequences - Chapter 29-30

CHAPTER 29 - Mary’s Journal October 1st Today was the first of Sarah’s half days off, and we coped well without her. Since we still have Ella coming...

Consequences - Chapter 3

CHAPTER 3 - Charles’ Diary for January January 1 SATURDAY 1st Month 1859 The year started here in York rather stormily & with unnatural weather...

Consequences - Chapter 31

CHAPTER 31 - Mary’s Journal November 1st Charles says we must make plans to have Mary Christened. He suggests that we do it November 27th, when she...

Consequences - Chapter 32

CHAPTER 32 - Charles’ Diary for November 1 November TUESDAY Have told Mary that we must make plans to have Mary christened. We cannot delay it any...

Consequences - Chapter 33

CHAPTER 33 - Mary’s Journal December 2nd While Charles was at work today, I chanced to see his diaries and gazed through to find out what I could of...

Consequences - Chapter 34 - The end

Chapter 34 - Charles' Diary continued 16 FRIDAY Paid special attention to baby Mary after work today in my accustomed time of playing with her. She...

Consequences - Chapter 4

CHAPTER 4 – Mary’s Journal February 12th Charles is starting to look for accommodation for us when we are married. I hope it will be fairly near his...

Consequences - Chapter 5

CHAPTER 5 – Mary’s Journal February 23rd The penny royal drink had no effect so I could delay no longer, and with great trepidation, I wrote to...

Consequences - Chapter 6

CHAPTER 6 - Charles’ Diary for February February 1 TUESDAY Last night up to Boughton; they had no idea when to expect Aunt & Uncle home; they...

Consequences - Chapter 7

CHAPTER 7 – Mary’s Journal February 27th Today Charles came to collect me for church at All Saints Pavement, and to all outward appearances, we were...

Consequences - Chapter 8

CHAPTER 8 – Mary’s Journal February 28 I went to my room in the early evening yesterday, not able to take any more castigation from my parents. They...

Consequences - Chapter 9

CHAPTER 9 – Charles’ Diary for March March 1 TUESDAY Sent a very angry letter to Mary last night more or less telling her to stop being so childish,...

Consequences - Chapters 13-14

CHAPTER 13 - Mary’s Journal April 25th We have started getting responses back regarding the attendance at our wedding. Most of those invited have...