deptford daze, deptford knights

a suite of monologues; little people, little lives, entwining under a Deptford railway arch.

dddk 6 - la baptême

So that's why T.T. took a shine to the telephone...

dddk - part 2 - five go-old rings

trying to pull the strings together. Might be too long for one post so, 'just like that' part two of part two to follow...

dddk 1 - 73 bell tone

Introducing Tina, a lovely, lovely girl...

dddk 11 - professions

enfin, the prof, in person...

dddk 3 - homefree

How does a nice boy like Lee Dillon get in such a pickle?

dddk 4 - plums and bums

The rise and fall of Dame Nellie...

dddk 5 - for closure

Sure,Elizabeth will work it all out.

dddk 7 - easy on the eels, loadsa liquor

oh Lee, what are you getting yourself into now?

dddk 8 - the man with the gold plated arm

little dave offers a little insight and the prof puffs

dddk 9 - looking for lancelot

if anyone can find the prof surely it's dame nellie?