Other Fiction


Lenny Knows Dogs

Four dog. The four dog will win the third race. Lenny Watkins tipped it up this morning, and Lenny knows dogs. Lenny once had a next-door neighbour...

Adapting And Finding New Ways To Live

Adapting And Finding New Ways To Live By Paul McCann The dark days of winter had left and the spring began with no change to the landscape . For most...

Lyrics -Doom - The Summoning

This one came to life when I was writing a longer story, supernatural horror kind of thing. The main characters were metal musicians and so I needed...

Changes Unspoken, Feelings Unfelt

They say that the correct way to cook a frog is to place it in a pot of lukewarm water then bring it to the boil; similar applies to people… Not...

A Compressed Eternity

Time races by but there are places where it rather likes to lull. Most of the time, these places are avoided like the plague or, when that is not...

The Dictator

The Dictator People who labelled me vulgar are dead. People who sneer at gold don’t have any. So flexible: gold taps, watches, bullion. Always have...

Downhill With No Brakes

Downhill With No Brakes By Paul McCann In the city of heartaches a scream just seconds away , down to the traffic lights that changed from red to...

Fragmented Consciousness - Iteration 2

Sweet scents of honey stirred phantom recognition amidst the chaos of my mind. Cold sweat trailing down my face as the body tries washing away that...

Spotlighting - Part 4 of 4

INTERCOM: Regarding the case itself, let’s see…we were looking for clothing preferences. Looks like that was picked up on pretty quickly, but pace...