Dragon Age Origins and Dragon age origins 2 fan fiction stories

Since I've been playing Dragon ae origins and watched Dawn of the seeker, i decided to write my own dragon age origins stories including my own characters. The list of my characters are is as follows:

Daylen- male human mage
Solona- female mage
Holly- female dalish elf
Kallian- female city elf
Natia(orginal name, but i forgot her current name)- female commoner dwarf
Elissa Cousland- feamle human noble
Soroda Aeducan- feamle dwarf noble
and i don't know if that's it. I haven't played dragon age origins in a while.


Should be adding some stories sooner or later


Dawn of The Dragon Seeker

Kallian, the new queen of Ferrelden has been tricked by the Darkspawn once again. She thought the darkspawn were all defeated in the lst blight or were they ?

The Dragon Seeker

With the Arch-demon defeated and the dragon seeker now called upon for help. Where will Ferrelden turn to ?