Exquisite Corpses

I stole this game off the Surrealists. Actually, William Burroughs did, so I stole it off him. Well, I read a book by somone who got the ideas off Burroughs. But I enjoy it any way.

I cut up magazines, normally with an intention or an emotion that I want to express. I then sift through the cuts and assemble them into a piece of prose. I try not to judge or interfere in this process, just let the eye and hand work spontaneously. Then I form something from the jumble of continous prose, trying to alter as little as possible. I find the results quite surprising, even spooky sometimes. See what you think.


Perfection sweeps its rage to No Faces in Cyberspace. You expected me to lie as hollow as the first, but when I was edited and revised I Pressed Devouring.