The Great Cley Floods

The Great Cley Floods -1 and 2

January 30, 1853 Rebecca Jackson looked out of her front window. It was very grey and bleak outside. It would be such a pleasure to sit in front of...

The Great Cley Floods 3

January 30th, 1853 It was some moments before Mary opened her eyes again, and somebody she didn’t know was bending down to help her to her feet...

The Great Cley Floods 4

January 31st, 1953 8 p.m. Martin was worried. Mary had gone out for a walk and she hadn’t come back. She might have stopped to chat with a friend,...

The Great Cley Floods 5

February 2 nd 1953 By Monday, the water had more or less drained from the main roads, but the job of restoring the houses was going to take a very...

The Great Cley Floods 6

Friday, February 5th, 1953 Of course the storm was the talking point in the town and all the surrounding towns for the next period of time. Everyone...

The Great Cley Floods 7

Saturday February 5 th , 1853 Rebecca was very pleased that her daughter Rachel had managed to come home this weekend, but even so, she had her...

The Great Cley Floods 8

April 16 th 1853 Rebecca put away her book, looked out of the window, and thought how lovely the flowers looked. It had been a hard winter, but the...

The Great Cley Floods 9

April 16th, 1953 When all the mess had been got under control, and most people were back to normal lives, it was decided that there should be a...

The Great Cley Floods 10

Next to speak at the Flood Thanksgiving Party was a twenty year old man, “Buttercup Joe” Lee, and he told how he nearly didn’t survive. “I had been...

The Great Cley Floods 10 - part 2

“I settled down in the tree, perched in the branches and looked around to take stock. The sea between me and the church and Holt Road was rough,...

The Great Cley Floods 11

The next speaker was a young boy, Geoffrey Sayers from Blakeney, who with the support of his parents in the audience, was keen to tell his view of...

The Great Cley Floods 12

Later that evening Mary approached Martin. “I know you don’t believe my story, but if there was some way of proving it was true, would that convince...

The Great Cley Floods 13

May, 1953 Eventually the time came and Mary caught the bus from outside the Forge, going first through Holt, and then on to Norwich. The trip would...

The Great Cley Floods - the end

June 1853 It was summertime and the schools had finished for their six weeks' break. Rachel was home most of the time with her mother. It has been a...