Liam's Story

Liam is a young fourteen-year-old boy who has no family. The only place he's been able to call home is the orphanage, and someone is threatening to destroy it for their own personal needs. Many kids are at the orphanage; if it goes, they go. But where they go is of no concern to the person trying to destroy it. They just want them out.

Liam wants to save the orphanage, but it's more than he bargained for. Along the way, he will meet friends and foes, and discover secrets of his parents, who abandoned him when he was three-years-old. The prophecies say he was destined for greatness, but to be great, he's going to have to find out who he really is.

Along with his friends, he'll try his best, but he's only a kid; it may prove to be too much, and wind up getting him, and everyone he cares for, killed to shut them up and keep them from saving the orphanage.

Liam's Story - Part One

Liam poked his head into the room, gazing around at the portraits and priceless granite statues until his gaze settled on the oak desk and the middle-aged man sitting behind it.

Liam's Story - Part Two

The bus stopped just inside the gates to Southview Orphanage, the brakes squeaking as they stopped the heavy vehicle.

Liam's Story - Part Three

Liam awoke to his alarm clock as it began ringing in his ear at exactly 5:30 a.m.

Liam's Story - Part Four

In his dream, Liam was walking down a narrow hallway, a soft glow seeping through the crack at the bottom of the door of the room at the very end.