Neat Retreat's Tweets

Grimey Rhymester's Pundamental Ponderings.

Too Long for Twitter

Striding through snow was like sliding in sand And I'd not really planned to get tanned But the sun was so hot That that's just what I got "in the pink" 'cause I'm brown ; understand ?

My Second Tweet (140 Characters NOT "In Search of an Author")

With the herd HOOVE heard from Stephen, I have joined this mad stampede, Hoarse but horseless,I'm remorseless, Shoeless,"Shoo!"ing Ganymede.

Ted's Thread & the Roe Doe Rodeo -->

There's a bear on the bed, But I'm resting my head, On the DEER I revere, For his STAGgering cRED'


(A third "Tweet", and minor cheat) RE --> ------------------------------------- Davina hasn't had to $ell her house to buy another,