Presages of the End's Time

Scattered here and there in Quran and Sunna Books – books into which the Prophet’s authentically-traced-back sayings and speeches are compiled – are numerous future incidents that, according to Muslims beliefs, will inevitably take place, in the ordinary course of events, before the coming of the Doomsday. These Prophetical ahaddieth which bear signs or plainly show presages of the world’s end usually begin with the expressions ‘The Hour will not occur before …’ or ‘Before the coming of the Hour…’, followed by narratives, or hints, of a number of future events or, in some cases, natural phenomena, the occurrence of which will give, yet has been giving, people obvious warnings that the humankind’s worldly life has been approaching its end.
Being narrated by a wide number of the Prophet’s companions, and related by the Prophet himself on many different occasions, these ahaddieth may differ in their details from one another, though they do not contradict, and the events they introduce – known to Muslims as Presages of the Hour – are divided in Muslims’ writings into two main sections: the Minor Presages and the Superior Presages. The reader should note, however, that the allotment of these ahaddieth into each division, being not established by the Prophet himself, is relatively variable, and the order of their occurrence in the future history is not, for the most part, strictly definite, too.
With fourteen centuries intervene between us and the time of the Prophet, the vast majority of the Minor presages had already taken place and, thus, they have been, no doubts, the subjects of history books ever since: the conquest of Jerusalem by Muslims in the seventh century, the Mongolian invasion of the Abbasid Caliphate in the thirteenth century, World War II, and the gathering and settling of Jews in flocks in Palestine, during the nineteenth and twentieth century, to establish the State of Israel, are among the most remarkable of these presages.
And yet, of these events what we are contemporary to, such as what known in Muslims’ culture as the Puffiness of Crescent Moon and the Approximation of Time; while yet others are so approached, a decisive war between Muslims and the Jews, and the retarding of Euphrates’ water that will result in exposing a gold mount, unknown span of time to come, although expected to take place very soon.
The Superior Presages, on the other hand, include, at their climax, what seems to be a world war between Christendom and the Islamic World, which will end with the fall of Rome and New York to Muslims–– the event that will bring in its train the arising of the Antichrist, the Descent of Jesus Christ and, eventually, the incursion of the world by the two savage nations known as Yajoge and Majoge (known in the Bible as Gog and Magog.)

Did the Prophet promise his nation the conquest of New York City?

New York City is notable among world cities for having part of it―the Bronx―located on land, while its remaining parts―Manhattan, Staten Island, Brooklyn and Queens―are found in the sea, the Atlantic Ocean. The year 1624 is considered to mark the true emergence of New York City. But a thousand years earlier, the Prophet alluded to this city and told his companions that a Muslim army would invade it in the future. The Prophet died in 631 AD, while the remarkable city did not achieve the unique shape to which the Prophet referred in his speech―“a city of which a part is established on land and the other is established in the sea” [1] ―until 1898. [1] Imam Muslim: speech No. 2920.

The Three Khusf

“If there will be only one day remaining in the span of the worldly life, Allah would elongate that day until He sends one of my offspring, whose...