A Requiem For One Man's Life


A Requiem For One Man's Life

A Parable About The Value Of Life

Ashes To Ashes

It was dark in the beginning; a neutrino sat suspended in a vast array of nothingness. All things of real matter were frozen in an inanimate void of space and time. It was impossible to explain this vacuum -'it simply was
Gold cherry

Happy New Year

It’s 23:17 at least that’s what my phone says. People don’t wear watches these days, do they? It’s pretty busy in here tonight but what do you expect...

The Theory of Everything (take 2)

I originally posted this piece a few days ago. I had this half-arsed notion that I needed to put something up on my birthday and a rare foray to...

Chinese Whispers (edited and updated, 2021)

This is the story I read live at the ABC Reading on 26 th August 2021. I understand not everyone could hear it due to technical issues so here is an...

Chinese Whispers

I guess there was no way of knowing that things would turn out like this. As I stood and stared out across the moonlit, mountain vista, I reflected back on what had led up to this moment. When you're a mile high in the sky the air seems so much clearer and your thoughts become crystallised like a moth caught in an arctic freeze.
Gold cherry
Story of the week

With or Without You

We promise ourselves to remember…always. Sometimes memories can eventually be washed away like sandcastles on a beach… Dan Foley had waited for this...

Strangers on a Street

A fleeting acquaintance can be memorable but will it be remembered? Strangers on a Street Rain cascades in near horizontal sheets, neon light dances...

In Memoriam

Audio version at https://soundcloud.com/user-62051685/in-memoriam-mp3 In Memoriam Rain-clouds sweeping, weeping, lament, moss-covered, monuments of...