The Sausage Dog Today


The Sausage Dog Today (1)

"Can you even believe this like, this woman is walking a sausage dog AND an Alsatian. You couldn't get more different." "It's a good photo David, and...

The Sausage Dog Today (2)

The staff at Today's Sausage Dog read through every article of the new rival publication, The Sausage Dog Today. "Shit, this is good," said David...

The Sausage Dog Today (3)

"Sausage dog stilts are a terrible idea," said David. "Sausage dogs aren't designed for stilt-walking. They're beloved pets, not circus freaks." He...

The Sausage Dog Today (4)

Today's Sausage Dog continued to lose sales to the new magazine, The Sausage Dog Today. They were also losing advertisers. Tony hadn't had a full and...

The Sausage Dog Today (5)

"I've done some research about The Sausage Dog Today," Ella said. "Their registered office is a front, a warehouse in London. The same address is...

The Sausage Dog Today (6)

The new edition of The Sausage Dog Today arrived and the three journalists gathered round. "Druggie Dog Cheat" ran the headline. The rest of the...