Tall Tales from the Trenches

Tall Tales from the Trenches

Gold cherry

Andy Simpson's medical

Conscription meant death. There was no glory or honour in it, no matter what the posters and papers said - the posters and papers were written by an...

Eric Braithwaite’s Trousers

“Eric’s given his trousers a name,” someone joked the first time the name tag was spotted stitched into his trousers, by a mother clearly concerned...

Eric Campbell’s protruding leg

Many of the lads on the trenches become obsessed with the possibility of getting a ‘holiday wound’, a non-fatal injury serious enough to get them...

The Day Rick Hughes got religion

Rick Hughes was part of a unit of four troops sent to scout the remnants of a village that had just been captured. There wasn’t much of the village...

The doppelganger

The Trenches are full of tales of doppelgangers and identical twins separated at birth, most of them involving some poor Tommy finding out that the...

The pact

During our first week in the trenches, seven of us made a pact, when we died we’d each put in a good word for the others in heaven. We reasoned that...

Simon Jones’ vagina

There is gossip in the trenches, banter and gossip, then more banter and gossip, then some more plain old gossip. Shit, there ain’t much else to do...

Alan Johnson’s Enormous Penis

You find all sorts in the trenches. The other day I shared a billet with the Duke of Richmond’s pastry chef. Geff Torrence is a flag designer, Angel...

Messy Joe’s bacon box lottery

When Eric Braithwaite died, he left a space on Thomas Bogle’s bacon box. Boxes are a much-sought thing in the trenches, the only thing coming between...

Leave to conceive

We all expected the war to be over quickly, with a handful of casualties, so those first few days in the trenches were a shock to all of us, those...

Phosphorous Pheobe and the luminous penis

Brian Hunter’s wife, Pheobe, worked in a factory, where she coated metal with phosphorous, so that it glowed luminous bright green in the dark...

The day Andy Jenkins shot himself

We’d been sent across the desert, an urgent mission to fetch an essential package from a camp a hundred miles away. The mission turned out to be a...

The poem

There is laughter to be had in the trenches, dark humour, perhaps, but you have to find the funny side of things else you’ll go mad. There’s hope too...

Last in the class

Jess Steed hated his teacher with a passion. Mr Birkenshaw was a fervent nationalist who had constantly lectured his class about their ‘duty to the...

John Tannerman and the German

John Tannerman had been separated from his platoon while he’d been laid up in hospital with the squirting arse disease that was ‘trending in the...

Paul Stott’s bed companion

We were passing through the countryside checking that the villages we passed through were safe. This can be dangerous work, with snippers and lone...

The Snow Statue

The first time you wake up to an overnight snowfall in the trenches you can't help being overwhelmed by the sight. The beauty, the purity, so out of...

Dick Reckless

Dick Reckless was one quarter German on his mother's side and spoke the language fluently. His mother had forced it on him as a child in the hope...
Gold cherry

The biggest fight ever

It was the biggest fight ever, unless you count the war we'd been engaged in for the past four years. And it was the most pointless fight ever,...

Karno's barmy army

Fred Karno's best comedians were in America when war broke out. Karno had hoped to break the American theatre market, but inadvertently sent over the...

David Wainwright’s Feet

David Wainwright’s Feet were enormous. His right foot was a size 16, his left a size 15. As a result, buying shoes was always difficult for him, but...