Thus Spoke Chorkie Walker, A book of little wisdom for everyone and no one

Extracts from Thus Spoke Chorkie Walker by K.R. Allcoat, available in paperback or kindle form from all amazon outlets. ISBN 979-8439848539.

Chorkie, a mass-produced teddy bear, becomes animated after being exposed to a library of books and sunlight, and sets out to teach what 'che' has learnt.

Readers should begin with the Prologue (here in three parts) and continue with the Discourses.

Gold cherry

Thus Spoke Chorkie Walker - Prologue (first part)

Chorkie Walker is a miniature teddy bear, abandoned and forgotten amongst the books and decorations of a former bookshop. Exposed to the morning sun every day Chorkie reads through the entire storeroom and, by a miracle of science, becomes animated. Not unlike Nietsche's Zarathustra, Chorkie goes out into the world to tell the people that humankind gets more stupid by the day and its only hope for survival is to evolve, not into 'supermen', but into 'balanced beings'.
Gold cherry

THUS SPOKE CHORKIE WALKER - Chorkie's Discourses (first part)

THUS SPOKE CHORKIE WALKER Of the Three Metamorphoses ‘I name you three metamorphoses of the miniature teddy bear: how a mass-produced toy shall...

Thus Spoke Chorkie Walker - Prologue (second part)

Thus Spoke Chorkie Walker - Chorkie's Prologue (second part) 5 ‘This bear is a commie!’ shouted a voice. ‘Go back to China, where you came from!’...

Thus Spoke Chorkie Walker - Prologue (third part)

Thus Spoke Chorkie Walker - Prologue (third part) 8 Chorkie rose with the dawn, as was ches custom. Che checked on the still-sleeping invalid and,...