The Weight of Shadows

In the wake of unimaginable loss, Niko's journey to his ancestral homeland unearths buried family secrets and plunges him into a mythic world where reality and legend blur.


Chapter 1: Zoe

The waiting room at The Royal London Emergency Department was a brightly lit, chaotic place. Harsh fluorescent lights overhead, casting multiple...

Chapter 2: Helena

Helena stood in her small kitchen, absent-mindedly her fingers traced the smooth surface of a well-worn serving bowl. The bowl was simple, and made...

Chapter 3: Even her flowers were wilting

Niko would mostly sit on the edge of his bed, staring at the floor. The room was dim, lit only by the soft glow of the streetlights filtering through...

Chapter 4: Yannis

Helena sat by the window of her small flat in Palmers Green, staring out at the street below. The familiar sounds of the neighbourhood drifted up -...

Chapter 5: Nicholas

Helena was in her early twenties when she first met Nicholas, a time when life in their small Cretan village had begun to find a new rhythm. Her...
Gold cherry

Chapter 6: Psychro

The idea of going to Greece had lodged itself in Niko’s mind, despite his initial resistance. Now, as he stared at the ashtray overflowing with...

Chapter 7: Elena

Early on his first morning in Psychro, Niko was jolted awake by the sound of insistent knocking on his bedroom door. The pounding was firm,...

Chapter 8: Kykeon

The festival had begun with a solemn procession to a small local chapel, a scene of profound beauty as the villagers made their way through the...

Chapter 9: Zeus

Niko, desperate to relive the euphoria he had felt during the festival, had secretly put the potent bottle of Kykeon in his rucksack. As the day wore...

Chapter 10: The Discovery

The discovery of Elena’s body unfolded in the cold, heart-wrenching way that only tragedy can. Yannis had been one of the first to join the search, a...

Chapter 11: Honour

As Niko lay on the cold floor of the outhouse, the sound of the family's grieving voices filtered through the night air. The sobs and hushed whispers...
Gold cherry

Chapter 12: The Shroud

For nearly twenty-four hours, Niko had been locked in the small, dark outhouse. The air inside was thick and musty, tainted by the smell of his sweat...