Working Diaries II

A: 8/26/02

Work Diary, 8/26/02 Education: the path from cocky ignorance to miserable uncertainty." - Mark Twain I was just driving back from the post office...

B: 8/30/02

Work Diary, 8/30/02 There is a woman who works in my building who is a sight to behold. Actually, I think she's the owner of the printing shop on the...

C: 9/5/02

Work Diary, 9/5/02 I have been at work for the past two days feeling nauseous and watching the pattern on the carpet beckon me with its spiral...

D: 9/6/02

Work Diary, 9/6/02 I've been slogging my way through Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings," which much to my surprise is not actually a trilogy but one long...