Radio Drama Competition

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Radio Drama Competition

Radio Drama Competition for entrants who have never had anything previously broadcast.

The winning entry will be considered for broadcast by BBC Radio Wales.

Closing Date: 5th March 2004.

You are invited to write a radio play on the theme of “science”. Your interpretation of “science” can be broad and the drama may be set in the past, present or future. The subject or theme is only limited by your imagination – it could be a contentious contemporary issue such as MMR, living next to wind turbines, the moral responsibility of scientists, historical discoveries or mistakes or anything else that you conscider appropriate.

If you want to find out more about writing a radio play there are two BBC sites that provide useful information. Go to and enter ‘writers unit’ in the search box, for advice on how to present a radio script. For more general advice, go to and click on radio drama.

This event is supported by BBC Radio Wales and by a Lottery Grant from the Arts Council of Wales.

David Floyd
Anonymous's picture
Do you have to Welsh? I might write a play about the first sheep on Mars.
Anonymous's picture
Haha I like the sound of that.
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