Janet Street Porter autobiography

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Janet Street Porter autobiography

Has anybody read it? I saw it today, and wondered what it was like. It's got B&W family snaps in and looked quite an interesting read.

Anonymous's picture
I haven't read it but would quite like to. I heard her on radio talking about it and it sounded really interesting. It's about her childhood up to the age of 25 (I think) and is v. honest about how she hated her mother and shagged a lot of people (sorry, am hungover and therefore rendered inarticulate and incapable of mature debate)
Anonymous's picture
Might treat myself this week-end, thanks for the reply, Rachel.
Anonymous's picture
Read "Baggage" over a few nights. Had watched Janet on "I'm a Celebrity" and went from hating her to really warming to her, in fact I wanted her to win!! Was disapppointed in the book. Didn't find it at all intellectual, and certainly disappointed in the literary style. I understand she had a very unloving childhood but have been left with the impression that she is psychologically imbalanced rather than courageous and intellectual. I still like Janet but find myself now pitying rather than admiring her. [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
I have just finished this and found it moving, intelligent and strangely disturbing personally. I was growing up in the same era five years behind and it made me reflect on the formative influences in my own life. But also, looking at her career in a slightly analytical way, it was clear how JSP's driving determination to 'self-improve' and her innovation and rebelliousness was a direct result of a need to escape her stifling childhood. I had a cosy upbringing and thus put up with much terminal boredom and aimlessness. My ramblings...........it's a very good book! Marigold
Madhu Rees
Anonymous's picture
What a load of tosh! She wasn't abused or mistreated in any way. All she wanted was her own way and she would do whatever it took to get there. Totally self immersed and obsessed. didn't really understand why she wanted to write this self- indulgent trash. I was really looking for something that would be inspiring as she is a self made, successful woman. I found no inspiration whatsoever . Her poor mother and father!!
Pop Bach
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Liked this
Anonymous's picture
I hope the book was better written than her article I read today, which included the sentence: "I do wish that politics wasn't driven by men intent on stressing the difference between the sexes, who try to tailor policies like carrots to appeal to discrete groups of voters."
Anonymous's picture
I never did buy it - quite glad looking above.
david floyd
Anonymous's picture
I don't know, 'carrots' has always been one of my favourite policies, especially when it's tailored discretely to me.
Anonymous's picture
That's Nouvelle Labour for you: tailored bloody carrots.
Anonymous's picture
No substance.
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