Sun, 2004-03-07 08:48
I have been offered a contract with PublishBritannica - has anybody had any experience with them? Getting mixed feedback - is it a good deal?
Hmmm... if they're the same guys behind the Britannica Encyclopedia etc, you've got a pretty big fish there I think... afaik anyway... :D
I've had offers from seemingly legit publishers however that turned out to be totally bogus. So long as you're not being asked to pay anything it's worth looking into of course... :)
No, they're nothing to do with the EB, Xane.
You can see their site here:
Oh, sorry Mark, see you said Publish Britannica. Not much diff, though, PubAm are just the mother company, that's all.
Lots of very interesting info about them here:
Scroll down until you see their name, obviously.
Refer to ISBN of latest book - this shows they have 2000 plus on their list. But puzzling if a new imprint - can anyone explain. Brother company Publish America does not ask fees, only MS. Reports about 20% books accepted from MS which is a darn sight better than the UK .