How much does it pay?
Sat, 2001-03-31 12:58
How much does it pay?
Er,I'll be direct and very blunt here. How much do you get if you should be lucky enough to get published by the good folks at ABCtales? I really could do with a financial boost and if it means you have to read poems written about my girlfriend's smile,then I guess I can do it.
Well, I was the one who started 'Have I Got it Right?'.
And it was told to me that it was 25 pounds if you get published - anybody know what that is in Canadian money? I know it's great when the Americans pay me - thirty dollars ends up as 43 ... hate me yet? Hee hee!
Anyways, I am glad I got the answer when I posted that thread and I don't think I've ever seen a post of mine get that many responses anywhere - however, nobody was talking to me anyway - LOL - can't help laughing about it - I didn't even finish reading the thread, it was getting so ridiculous.
Carly :-)
Oops! Didn't mean to be rude there ... that wasn't quite right when I said 'nobody' was talking to me - thanks so much to you who did actually respond to me.
Hello Carly,
I use for converting money; for instance, Italian lire to euros, Canadian dollars to pounds sterling, etc. It's extremely quick and accurate and can accommodate amounts running into billions.
Good luck with your calculating!
im sorry to say that it is very unlikely that even if a poem/story of yours were to be published in the abc magazine, that there would be any "recompense" financially, although i would think that most of the writers here publish their writing at the site only for recognition and nothing much else.
of course i could be wrong since i haven't checked the policy on publishing at the site.
tess probst
Good news! You do get paid if a story or poem of yours is picked up for the magazine. At present, it's £25 for a poem, £50 for a short story. We're also planning anthologies for the future, although rates haven't been set yet for these. And we have an in-house literary agency looking out for the very best authors to present to publishers, so you could get publishing deal (we take a commission if our agency gets you a deal but nothing silly - not entirely sure how much it is cos that's not the area of the company I work in)
Hope this helps
Can I alsdo refer you to the adjacent discussion thread where you will get a brief legal view of the ABCtales Terms & Conditions.
Stephen Gardiner
er... to be slightly clearer, I meant to say the adjacent thread "Have I Got It Right?