Agents Listing
Tue, 2004-08-17 09:15
Agents Listing
Thought this website might be useful for those who don't know it. Lists all the agents and their preferred genres with contact details and requirements.
Many thanks Lina
These spam things are actually quite useful: I have always wanted a rice cooker, since can never stop rice from sticking together. The peas never turn out right, either.
I seem to remember being on the site, Liana. It's a pretty good summary of agents if you go for the novel approach, but if ye be a wee poetry geek then it's a bit depressing reading the generic "no poetry or we'll slay you" statement in each of the entries - the irony about this is that most said entries seemed to be cut&paste jobs to a one.
Thinking about going over to the dark side and writing children's books.
dejected r x
Thanks Liana, this is useful ...