How do you tell if a relationship has started?

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How do you tell if a relationship has started?

At what point? When does the getting to know you stop and the he/she is with me start?

Just a question of checking the bank statements, then, Nika. I'd hate to see someone as tender-hearted as yourself grow old and cynical. Visit my blog:
when her clothes turn up in your washbasket when you look to buy a kitten together when she dares to introduce you to her better-looking friend when she tells you your poetry's actually crap when she orders dessert in the resturant when she tells you straight that she's on her period when you don't hide anything written by gays or lesbians when you go out in the T-shirt you've worn all day when she lets you look in her handbag when you tell her your nom-de-plume on websites like this.
When money changes hands, can love be far behind?
How do you know when they're over?


The check bounces?
Well if the cheque's not in the post then maybe the post is in the Czech. As Vlad the impaler might have riposted.


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