Getting the LOLs

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Anonymous's picture
Getting the LOLs

...or laughing out loud to the purists.

I was on the tube this morning, and I thought I'd put in a CD (I'm still pre-iPod sadly - I'm like, so 1990s) of music. A cunning and sublime mixture of Jeff Buckley, Fiona Apple along with a naughty little bit of Led Zeppelin I tacked on the end.

I was looking forward to it.

I was shocked to discover I had inadvertantly loaded up Bill Hicks, Rant in E Minor. I let it play; I hadn't heard it in years.

It began with a chuckle - I'm sure no-one even noticed. But then he did that piece about 'Pro-Lifers' and I LOLed. Quickly trying to control myself, I did that shoulder shake thing for a while, the thing that happens when you desperately try to stifle a proper laugh...then I went very red...I turned the volume down but it was too late. I had the LOLs.

Anyway, my point is, It's nice to laugh, but sometimes a little embarrasing if you wind up looking like the local nutjob.

Thanks Mr. Hicks.

Ben.. is external)

Ah - haven't had that happen in ages. Nearest thing was an attack of the giggles during the mandatory PTA AGM. The Headmistress (who makes the queen sound like Jordan) started reading a treacly poem about the joys of raising children. Someone muttered something sarcastic and a whole row of us started with the shoulder shake. Lots of elbow nudging and paper twisting. Half expected to be asked to share the joke with the rest of assemly.
p.s. Ben - what's happend to your site link?
Anonymous's picture
Paper twisting - brilliant. Like digging your nails into your palms.... What happened to my site link? Not working? Ben.. is external)
Afraid not - it just comes up as a blank screen for me at the moment.
I had an attack of them today at work when someone forwarded me an email being offensive about shit children's drawings. I work in a museum with an education office so there are shit children's drawings everywhere. It was very inappropriate. No one else found it funny. I looked stupid. ach, it felt good to laugh at work. IShrugging off the wierd looks. Span x
I've seen that document Span and it was hilarious, the two that made me laugh out loud were the one where he called the kid a traitor and the one where he called the kid a nazi... I too was at work at the time when I saw it but I work from home so I caused myself no embarrassment at all.
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