Those Words - MSU

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Those Words - MSU

I like it. Short, and to the point. I like the idea of wanting something big and bad to happen to solve what may only be a small problem, or a small problem at least in comparison to an earthquake or similar; I often think like the narrator here.

I have to say, I'm not a fan of slang, like "sheesh", but that's a personal choice. It's probably just because I can never use it effectively.

Anyway, I think this does what it does very well:

Oh jeez what an ending. I thought it was good. More like a person's mind than most writers. If ignorence is bliss I'm the happiest kid on earth.

Give me the beat boys and free my soul! I wanna getta lost in ya rock n' roll and drift away. Drift away...

Ha ha ha! I loved it! Brilliant.
You captured a reality I haven't needed to step foot in for many years. Thank you!
Ah yes - seen that clock. The count down worked really well, I thought. Good stuff.
Thank you for all your comments. Lol, I cringed when I put "sheesh" in..
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