face recognition

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face recognition

check out this site, it matches your face to someone you look like. My results - Steve McQueen, footballer Pavel Nedved, Chucj Palahniuk, Naomi Watts, Ludwig II of Bavaria.

http://www.myheritage.com/FP/Company/tryFaceRecognition.php?s=1&u=g0&lan...(link is external)

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Yep, as I thought - Warren Beatty and I must have been separated at birth.


Blimey! Before revealing my matches I should state for the record that I am a white Caucasian male, apparently I look like: Jesse Jackson, Syd Barret, Billie Holiday, Pamela Anderson and Matt Groening... Anybody know a good cosmetic surgeon?
Anonymous's picture
Tried a few different photos. Frank Sinatra and Keanu Reeves come up most frequently. I look nothing like either. Fun website though. Enzo.. www.thedevilbetweenus.com(link is external)
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